Carers Digital Evening Group – Monday 18th November – Short Breaks
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Quote / Testimonial:
We are delighted to have Marthe Hastie from Dundee Carers Centre, along to our Carers Digital Evening group on Monday 18th November to talk about Dundee Carers short break service.
Short Breaks | Dundee Carers Centre
Short Breaks | Dundee Carers Centre
Marthe will offer an insight into what a short break can be and how carers can go about both finding out more and applying for a short break:
- What is a short break?
- Why is it important to take a break?
- What can a short break look like?
- Who can access a short break?
This session will take place on TEAMS on Monday 18th November from 6.15pm – 7.15pm
If you would like to join in, please get in touch with Jeni Sinclair.